Monday, January 1, 2018

Fasting for Russian Orthodox Christians: Potatoes

Potatoes without oil, sour cream, cheese, or butter? Yes, they can be delicious!

Mashed potatoes: cook potatoes in your usual way. Add alternative milk (unflavored, unsweetened cashew milk works well here), salt, garlic powder or garlic cloves, black pepper, some dry mustard, and a bit of nutmeg. Mash (with or without skins, up to you). Put under the broiler for a few minutes.

Roasted potatoes: Cut potatoes into small chunks; brush each chunk with mustard thinned down with water. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and fresh or dried rosemary. Bake until they turn brown, correct seasoning and serve. You can use either ballpark (yellow) mustard or spicy brown mustard.

You can even use potatoes to fill vegan pierogi dough or ravioli dough!

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